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Polearms By Nasr
Or, How to Win by Looking Scary

Two Broad Categories: Spears, and Everything Else

I. Spears – a long stick with a point at the end used for thrusting only
    a. 9’/6’
        i. Learn basic fencing
            1. Footwork
            2. Timing
            3. Stop-thrust
            4. Disengage/feint
        ii. Presence
            1. You must project an attitude of superior skill and confidence.
            2. Know that the opponent is probably more afraid of you than vice versa.
            3. See #1
        iii. Melees/Wars
            1. Develop and use your Peripheral Vision
            2. Utilize space and movement, not static protection
                a. Some static battles are different! A well-trained unit of big shields requires restricted movement and cooperation with the shield wall
            3. Find a buddy to cover you
        iv. Practice
            1. Put marks on a wall/punching bag, etc at your face, shoulders, belly, and mid-thigh
            2. Point on ground, up to mark, and back down in patterns or random distribution (No Strength! Use Peripheral Vision!!)

II. Everything Else (glaive, pole axe, etc) – a stick with a meat cleaver of some shape on the end. Usually 6’ to 7.5’
    a. Glaive
        i. Guards
            1. High
                a. Strong offense, strong Presence (!), weak defense against spear or Low guard
            2. Middle
                a. Kinda average on everything, though very strong defense
            3. Low
                a. Basically a short, heavy spear. Harder to use the blade
                b. Other weird weapons
                    i. Harder to use for fancy work. Don’t work like the real thing! Otherwise, use like a glaive
                c. Melees/Wars
                    i. Pole weapons are used in static walls to counter charges.
                    ii. Run protection for spears
                    iii. Presence!!
                    iv. Special Secret: Never kill the person in front of you! Kill the person off to the side!

III. Practical Application
    a. Run melees at fighter practices
    b. Try goofy stuff at fighter practices, and learn what works and what doesn’t work